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Welcome to Grasshopper's and Caterpillar's Class Page

Grasshopper Class
Caterpillar Class


Class Teacher:  Mrs N Hunt


Class Teacher:  Mrs K Sheehan

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs T Ribeiro and Mrs D Summers

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs J Sheress and Mrs J Leith

Key Information

  • Reading — Please read at home at least three times a week. Children will bring home a story book and a book without words to share together to begin with. This will changed to books with words when they are ready. Please sign in the reading diary to say when the book has been read. 
    • Books are changed on Monday’s and Fridays.
  • PE days are TUESDAYS.
    • Please ensure earrings, are removed on these days, hair is tied up and the children have a clearly labelled PE kit.
  • Welly Wednesdays - Please send children into school in old clothes that you do not mind if they get dirty! During the winter months please make sure that they have a warm coat, scarf and hat. Weekly emails will confirm the start times of this.
  • Library Day - Please return library books on a Tuesday so that a new one can be chosen.


Term One

Welcome to EYFS!


This term we are having fun learning all about me and the season of Autumn. We are getting to know our friends in our class and learning the rules of the school.

We love being outside and taking care of our class pets.

Our PE days are Tuesdays, in hall time on a Thursday we take part in a program called write dance to help build our muscles for writing.

On Tuesdays we also visit the library and change our library books.

We love learning through play and taking part in challenges, ask us what we did today!

In phonics we are working on the RWI scheme – Making a strong start in reception. We love Fred the frog!


Term Two


Term Three



Term Four