Governance at The Bluebell Federation
Horsted Infant School and Horsted Junior School are maintained schools who operate under Medway Local Authority.
After a considerable consultation period Horsted Infant School and Horsted Junior School voted to join with Swingate Primary School to form The Bluebell Federation on April 21st 2022.
The Horsted governing body was reconstituted in line with statutory guidance to form the The Bluebell Federation Governing Body with the aim of ensuring that federation governance is strategically focused and accountable.
The Full Governing Body of The Bluebell Federation meet three times a year. These meeting are preceded by separate Horsted and Swingate Strategy and Monitoring meetings which feed into the Full Governing Body meetings. There is also a separate finance committee, comprised of members of the full governing body, who meet three times a year which also feeds into Full Governing Body meetings.
Governors are members of the general public who have an interest in the education of children and are prepared to volunteer to work alongside the Executive Headteacher, the Head of School and school staff to improve teaching and learning and the general educational experience for all the children across the federation.
Day to day management of the school is delegated to the Executive Headteacher and the Heads of School.
The constitution provides for 19 Governors made up of 2 parent governors, 1 local authority governor, 1 Executive Headteacher, 1 staff governor and 14 co-opted governors. All governors are required to register any business interests they may have to avoid any conflict of interests that may arise in meetings.
All governors are volunteers and terms of appointment are normally for 4 years. Vacancies may arise at any time and efforts are made to fill posts with people who have appropriate skills or experience to offer the school.
Committees and other bodies
There is finance committee that meets three times a year and is Chaired by Tara Baker. The Committee has initial oversight of the budget; agrees priorities for revenues and capital funding; ensures the school maintains internal financial controls; has initial oversight of school premises and grounds; receives proposals for capital projects and ensures best practice in procurement and implementation of works and takes a lead responsibility for health and safety and mandatory requirements.
There is a Horsted Strategy and Monitoring Group that meets three times a year at Horsted School and is chaired by Stephen Roe and Swingate Strategy and Monitoring Group that meets three times a year at Swingate Primary School and is chaired by Racheal Simpson.
These Groups ensure the school offers a broad and balanced curriculum in accordance with the National Curriculum; receives performance data and timely reports of pupils' achievements and progress; provides strategic advice and guidance on personnel matters; ensures well-being of pupils and staff is being considered; discuss proposed building projects; look at current and future staffing and look at safeguarding and child protection.
Different types of Governors
Parent governors are elected by parents of children in the school.
Staff governors are elected by all teachers and support staff. The governing body may appoint someone should there be no nominations.
Local authority governor - appointed by Medway LA
Co-opted governors - appointed by the governing body. Co-opted governors are usually made up of local people who have an interest in the local community. They can be chosen to reflect the diversity in the school and the local community.
Please see below The Bluebell Federation Governors, their terms of office and the specific areas they are responsible for
Our Governors
Role | Name | Term of Office |
Terry Smith |
Chair |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2023 |
Paul Harrison |
Vice Chair |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2023 |
Steve Geary |
Executive Headteacher |
n/a |
Tara Baker |
Co-opted Governor |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028 |
Darren Bird |
Co-opted Governor |
16th January 2025 - 15th January 2029 |
Stacey Brooker |
Parent Governor |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028 |
David Coates |
Co-opted Governor |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028 |
Barry Hammond |
Co-opted Governor |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028 |
Amanda Howes |
Staff Governor |
28th October 2024 - 27th October 2028 |
Simon Lucas |
Co-opted Governor |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028 |
Stephen Roe |
Co-opted Governor |
13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028 |
Horsted Governing Committee
Sarah Steer |
Headteacher |
David Coates |
Chair |
Paul Harrison |
Vice chair |
Cheryl Francis |
Associate Member |
Barry Hammond |
Parent Governor |
Roxy Heywood |
Associate Member |
James Packman |
Associate Member |
Stephen Roe |
Co-opted Governor |