SEND at Horsted School
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo) - Katy Baker
- FLO (Family Liaison Officer) – Jane Baldwin
- SEND Governor - Stacey Brooker
Our Statement
Horsted School is dedicated to providing an inclusive school environment where all stakeholders pride themselves in having the shared responsibility and vision in working above and beyond to meet all the needs of all children.
As a school, we make every effort to meet the individual needs of all children and achieve inclusion for all pupils. We work together as a whole school and community to create a sense of belonging and offer all opportunities, within our means, to best support children that experience difficulties. We are highly adaptable, which means we do not treat all learners the same way but consider their varying needs and learning styles.
We follow the Code of Practice and assess, plan, do and review the needs of all children throughout the year. Everyone at Horsted School believes that every child has a right to an education and encourages and supports children to be the best they can be. Therefore, class teachers are aware of their responsibility to provide quality first teaching and, in some cases, highly individualised learning for some, which enables children to access learning at their own level.
The class teacher is the first point of contact for discussion, and they will address the needs of the child and closely monitor them with their parents. We then work together to take appropriate actions. This may include personalised school-based interventions or support from outside agencies such as visual/ hearing impairment specialists, speech and language therapists or occupational therapists. Any interventions that go above and beyond are carried out in consultation with parents and the class teacher will inform parents along their learning journey of the child’s needs and achievements. If there are any concerns in consultation with parents’, children may be placed on the SEND register to best meet their needs. This is where the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator, Katy Baker will assess, plan, do and review and may also become involved.
The school follows the Guidelines in the SEND Code of Practice in regard to school-based intervention. Some children may need individual provision maps to help them meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. In some circumstances, the child’s needs may be met through an EHCP.
Medway council provides a Local Offer. This provides help and support to children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Please click the link for more information.
SEND Code of Practice
A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability, which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
These principles are designed to support:
- the participation of children, their parents and young people in decision-making
- the early identification of children and young people’s needs and early intervention to support them
- greater choice and control for young people and parents over support
- collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support
- high quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND
- a focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning
- successful preparation for adulthood, including independent living and employment (reference needed)
SEND Policy and Information report
Accessibility Policy
SEND Information
How to support SEND at home
Useful Links
Horsted School has ensured where possible we have access to a range of outside agency support. This includes private speech and language and occupational therapist, specialist teacher for dyslexia, dyscalculia and underlying abilities, Educational Psychologist and Fortis Outreach Service. Should you feel these agencies would be appropriate to you to seek guidance and advice, please contact the SENDCo or FLO or would be happy to discuss this further.
- Snapdragons – parent support groups
- Triple P parenting courses (organised through the SENDCo)
- School Nursing – 0300 123 3444
- Kent Autistic Trust – 01634 405168
- Young Medway Parents & Carers Forum
- Medway Small Steps
- Family Action
- ROCC Stars – Rivermead Outreach Community Challenge
- A Guide to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities for parents and carers, summing up the new Code of Practice:
- "My Autism and Me video"
- Talking to your child about autism
- Hints and tips for children with ADHD
- Ten things parents should know about Dyslexia.
The school also has access to and knowledge of a range of books and information should you require further guidance and support. Please speak to a member of staff at the office or through who will put you in contact with the SENDCo or FLO.