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Year Six

Welcome to Narnia Class and Hogwarts Class Page!     


Hogwarts Class
Narnia Class

Class Teacher: Mrs L Logan

Class Teacher: Mrs R Nichols & Mrs Taylor

Teaching Assistant: Mrs B Lister

Teaching Assistant: Mrs N Arnold

Key Information

  • Homework
    • English and Maths - Set on a Tuesday, every week and to be handed in the following Monday unless otherwise stated.
    • Reading Comprehension- set fortnightly on a Tuesday. To be handed in the following Monday unless otherwise stated. 
    • Reading - Children should read at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes each. These need to be signed and dated, as separate signatures, by an adult. Reading diaries are checked every Monday morning. 
    • Times Table Rockstars - Children to complete 10 games for homework each week
      • Narnia is set on a Monday and is due to be completed by the following Monday.
      • Hogwarts is set on a Tuesday and is due to be completed by the following Tuesday. 
    • PE -  both classes have PE on a Thursday afternoon where they will complete an indoor and outdoor unit each term. 

Please ensure that your child has both indoor and outdoor kits in school at all times.

  1. Indoor Kit: White T-shirt and Black shorts.
  2. Outdoor Kit: White T-shirt, Black Shorts, Tracksuit bottoms and Top/Jumper. Trainers and spare socks. We would also advise that when the weather gets particularly cold, children may wear base layers, and gloves.

Term One

Science - Animal Encounter Visit

As part of our Science unit ‘Adaptation and Evolution’, the children took part in an animal encounter workshop where they got to hold, stroke and learn about how some animals have adapted to their environment. 


Term Two

DT - Make a waistcoat

Year 6 developed their sewing skills in a recent DT unit where they designed and created waistcoats, with buttons and pockets, for a teddy bear.

PE - Gymnastics

In this unit the children learnt how to incorporate movement into their gymnastic routines. They explored a range of balances and, using animals as an inspiration, thought about how they could link these movements. In the final lesson, the children used the wall bars and thought about how they could move up and down the bars.

Science T2 – classification

During our classification unit, children learnt how plants are classified into different categories. They then used known facts about each plants’ features to make a 3D plant collage.


Term Three


Term Four

World Book Day


Term Five